Born Worthy (Part 5) – More Than A 9 To 5

“So – what do you do?”

When the small talk has dwindled, there is no more wine to sip, and you’re left with more than 20 seconds of awkward silence – there is a large chance this will be the question that you’re faced with.

“So – what do you do?”

At any stage in your career, this question can be incredibly challenging to answer. Perhaps you are looking for a job, and have to admit that you’re in transition. Or, you may be holding a role you don’t particularly enjoy, or that fails to fully reflect the scope of what you can do. On the contrary, you may be working for an organization that you love, but because you’ve just spent the last ten hours talking about it, you simply want to chat about another topic. Wherever you are on the spectrum, this is a reminder that you were born worthy and you are more than what you do.

The above question is one of the main reasons I dread networking events and large gatherings. I believe the more important question is “why do you do what you do?” This reveals a deeper insight into character, passion and purpose than a simple job description – and is arguably far more meaningful.

The tasks you do between the hours of 9 to 5 do not define you. However, you can define who you are between the hours of 9 to 5.

When you’re searching for a job, you’re typically faced with more no’s before you receive your yes. These rejections can be tough on your heart, your mind and your confidence, causing you to question whether you are truly worthy. You have to remember that worthiness is your birthright and that no amount of “no’s” will alter that. During my last season of interviewing, I forced myself to write, “I’m worthy” on a sticky note. It served as a reminder to not allow myself to be intimidated by any organization or position. Some people see it as “faking it till you make it”, but I see it as declaring it till you see it and feel it.

Once you have taken ownership of declaring that you are worthy, you free yourself from all the people you once gave this power to. These could be people you deeply loved and respected, but we have to remember that they do not determine or define your worth.

In addition, your degrees and credentials are wonderful achievements, but they still don’t determine your worth. They only determine your skillset. You are worthy with them, you are worthy without them, and you are worthy to acquire them if the role you desire requires it.

As soon as you realize that you are intrinsically worthy, true healing can begin to take place. The release of anxiety, fear and stress can start to take place, allowing you to experience greater joy and authentic living. The change occurs from the inside out, and you’ll notice that your external interactions and relationships improve because of what you’re declaring internally.

This mindset allows you to be better at your job and at your job search. It provides an understanding that prevents you from beating yourself up when things don’t work out the way you expected. It allows you a better frame of mind to acquire qualifications, build relationships and expose yourself to greater opportunities to progress to the next level.

You were born worthy.

As you continue to declare this throughout the working week, consider these:

  • It is only when you feel worthy that you will achieve your greatest potential, and enjoy your greatest success.


  • As women, we have to work twice as hard to remind ourselves that we are deserving, that we are qualified and that we can break barriers. Be intentional about reminding yourself of your worth.


  • Avoid perfectionism. This is the breeding ground for feelings of unworthiness.


  • Acknowledge your gifts and strengths. Work on saying “thank you” when receiving a compliment, instead of deflecting or criticizing yourself. They are only confirming something you should already know. You’re worthy.


  • Destiny and purpose in not always about your job – they are greater than what you do. It is also about who you are and how you are, i.e. your character.


  • Make sure you are finding a way to do your passion and share your passion, especially if it is not aligned with your role.


  • Examine your circle of friends. Make sure you’re around people who encourage you in your worthiness.